Sam McCormick

Position title: General Manager

Website: Assabet Cooperative Market

photo of sam mccormick

Sam McCormick is the General Manager at Assabet Co-op Market in Maynard, MA. They were born and raised in Philadelphia and have worn many different hats over the years. In addition to the years managing Mariposa Food Co-op in West Philly, they have spent time in co-op education, green construction, and business management and consulting in a variety of sectors. They are passionate about food sovereignty, anti-racism, and social equity work, and have tried to center these values in all of their pursuits. Sam is thrilled to be back working in the co-op sector and relocated to Massachusetts with their partner three years ago for this work. Sam brought their wealth of experience in co-op management and green construction to the challenge of securing a site and opening Assabet’s store. Now the work of guiding and supporting a thriving open store is here! Sam believes that community support is vital for a successful consumer-owned co-op and strives to continue embedding this in the operations of the open store.